“Objects and Speech” explores the artistic material “performance” as a live, and lived, phenomenon. The score comes in different formats and versions, from single solos to solo-relays or group versions, live to screened, frontal to non-frontal dispositions.
The score can be understood as a vehicle to attend the question “What is it about?” as a common “thing” related to the sphere of art, and particularly performance art. Understanding the question as originated from western knowledge tradition, the score meets this tradition with a ritual that aims to mock the “aboutness” of the situation into a multiplicity of specific, irreplaceable and personal questions and dilemmas.
Objects and Speech is a score with many potential materialities and shapes. Language, things and movements, a mean for empowerment and making of new histories. They connect, disconnect, establish and confuses. Structured by a trust in many personal matters, no one more valid then another. The score also creates a “portraits” of each artist doing the score.
Score by Tove Salmgren. Performed by Moa Franzén, Kajsa Wadhia, Francine Agbodjalou, Manon Santkin, Stina Nyberg and Tove Salmgren, in solo and group versions at Uniarts Linnégatan, Fylkingen, Ccap and MDT Sthlm. Filmed at MDT by Eduardo Abrantes (2015). Short excerpt.